Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bula Friends!

When was the last time anyone has had to experience third world dial up internet... Definitely not user friendly... Fijian people have to be the friendliest group of individuals I have ever come across, always smiling and treating you fairly. Traveling to a country where you are the significant minority for a period of time definitely gives you a different perspective and helps give you an idea how minorities back home must feel. The good thing about being a minority here is there is no prejudice towards you unlike back home where everyone has something to say about anyone who is different then them. I can't say I am not guilty of this, but now I might not jump to quick conclusions about others as I previously would.

I am beginning to fall in love with this place and wondering how it will be possible to go back to school and listen to some close minded RWS professor tell me how to read a book and write about the ethos and logos. It has also been very nice to not have a cellphone while in Fiji because I never am worrying about anything, everyone I need to talk to on a daily basis lives here at the resort and the rest I can reach by e-mail at my leisurely. I have been surfing twice a day because there has been two high tides; one in the early morning then another in the late afternoon. The waves have been incredible, perfect barrels and long walls. Two days ago this big wave surfer Alex who received second in the biggest paddle in awards by the Billabong XXL by riding a 52 ft wave at mavericks got caught on the inside at J's (the dredging righthander over live coral) and shredded his back open like he had been attacked by an angry cat. Later that day I went down hard in the barrel and split my knee open on some coral ripping by boardshorts in the process. There has been swell for about a week now, and tomorrow should get even bigger. This afternoon I am taking some guest out to go fishing for Trevelle and Yellowfin tuna, hopefully we catch some for sashimi tonight.

I am still working on this Vodaphone wireless card malfunctions so hopefully I can post some more stuff soon.