Monday, August 2, 2010

The Sun//

Monday morning the 2nd of August I woke up with the warm sun beaming through my windows. I took one guest surfing out at pipe which was really fun for about 4 hours. With this new found appreciation for the sun I went on my mountain hike barefoot with two new honeymoon guest at the resort. When I arrived at the peak of the mountain where my bench was I soon discovered my memory card had gone missing for my camera. I took the guest back to the resort, then darted back up to the mountain to capture some new images. Enjoy//

Rain Rain Go Away//

This past week in paradise we were brought back to reality with torrential rains and 30 knot winds. The sea resembled that of a dishwasher with white caps from the shoreline to the horizon. I was landlocked in the resort with no waves to surf, no fish to hunt and no mountain to explore. This lasted for 6 days, the sun would creep out from the dark clouds for 10 minutes each day, but that was it. It was almost as if it was teasing us with its beauty hidden in darkness. I resulted to taking pictures of the local fauna in between the showers of rain. Enjoy//